Wesley Neighbourhood Plan
A vision for a thriving urban neighbourhood

Meeting the needs of a growing community
Located in south-west Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and part of the wider Mt Roskill neighbourhood, Wesley has great local facilities and is home to a vibrant and diverse community. Only 6.5kms from the city centre, the area is well served by public transport and provides access to the major employment hub of Auckland Airport via the South-Western Motorway. Kāinga Ora’s Spatial Delivery Strategy anticipates the Wesley neighbourhood will experience substantial growth due to large numbers of state homes that are due for renewal.
Jasmax has been engaged by Kāinga Ora to develop a strategic neighbourhood plan for Area 1 of Wesley (West), which establishes a vision for a thriving neighbourhood that supports a growing community. The plan includes provision for approximately 3,000 new warm, dry homes, a new town centre, community facilities as well as upgraded parks, green spaces, walkways and cycle paths.
The neighbourhood plan has been informed by extensive consultation and engagement with the local community and Mana Whenua to ensure it meets their needs and reflects their values. It will support Kāinga Ora’s Neighbourhood Business Case, as well as inform infrastructure upgrades and act as a framework to guide subsequent development over the next 10 – 15 years.