The Jasmax Manifesto
We are a third-generation architecture and design practice from Aotearoa New Zealand. For 60 years, we have been at the forefront of bicultural and sustainable design in the Pacific.
Our Place
We are defined by the place in which we live – Aotearoa New Zealand. As people of an island nation, we are collaborative, resourceful and resilient explorers who treasure nature and embrace innovation.
Tō Tātou Kāinga
He mea hanga tatou e tō tatou whenua, arā, ko Aotearoa. Inā hoki he iwi noho moutere tatou, he mahitahi he rauhanga te wairua, ka mutu, he kaihōpara aumangea tātou e kaingākau nei ki te taiao me te aronga whanokē.
Our Culture
Our culture celebrates honesty and thoughtfulness. We respect the unique worldview of iwi Māori and acknowledge the way Te Ao Māori influences our design practice.
- We acknowledge the ancestral relationship Tangata Whenua have with the natural environment as an essential source of wellbeing and identity.
- We acknowledge the bicultural foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand enshrined in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- We reflect and integrate Māori concepts of manaaki, tiaki and aroha (exchange, reciprocity and consideration) to celebrate the multi-culturalism of modern Aotearoa New Zealand.
Tō Tātou Ahurea
Whakamānawa ai tō tatou ahurea i te pono me te mākohakoha. Ki a mātou nei, he mea nui te tirohanga Māori me ōna pānga huhua ki ā mātou mahi whakahoahoa.
- E mihi ana mātou i te hononga tūturu a te Tangata Whenua ki te taiao hei mātāpuna taketake o te ora me te tuakiritanga.
- E mihi ana mātou i te tūāpapa o te tikanga-a-rua o Aotearoa e mau ana i te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- Ka huritao mātou, ā ka kōkuhu atu i ngā tikanga o te manaaki, te koha me te aroha hei whakamānawa i te kākano mahatanga o Aotearoa.
Our Belief
We believe that great architecture and design can awaken the human spirit, transform the experience of daily life, and provide shape and expression to organisations, towns, cities, and cultures.
Tō Tātou Whakapono
E whakapono ana mātou ka oho te wairua i ngā hoahoanga rerehua. Waihoki, ka whakaumu i ngā wheako o ia rā e puta ai he āhua hou he kitenga hou mō ngā rōpū, ngā tāone, me ngā ahurea.
Our Aim
We aim to produce work which is mutually beneficial to society and the environment.
We design buildings, landscape and infrastructure to enrich and connect thriving, prosperous, sustainable communities reflecting the diverse cultures and natural beauty of our place, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Tō Tātou Whāinga
Ko te whāinga ia, e whai hua ai ā mātou mahi ki te hāpori whānui me te tāiao anō hoki.
Ka whakahoahoa mātou i ngā whare, te horanuku me ngā tūāpapa taone hei whakahaumako, hei whakahonohono i ngā hapori tōnui e noho whakauka, hei whakaatu i ngā ahurea kanorau me te rerehua o tō tātou whenua a Aotearoa.
Our Values
We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work, and design to enable excellence in others.
We respect the natural environment as a source of wellbeing and identity.
We value unity that arises out of diversity. Our work contributes to an equitable, inclusive society.
We create opportunities for meaningful connection between people and place.
We draw on collective knowledge and experience to practice design with wisdom and courage.
Ō Tātou Mātāpono
Ko te Kounga
Ka nanaiore mātou kia kounga ā mātou mahi katoa, e hora ai taua kounga ki te marea.
Ko te Mana o te Taiao
He nui tō mātou kauanuanu ki te taiao hei mātāpuna o te ora me te tuakiritanga.
Ko te Kotahitanga
He mea nui te kotahitanga ka puta i te kanorau. Ka taunaki ā mātou mahi i te hāpori kia matatika te noho mō te katoa.
Ko te Kauanuanu
Ka hanga nei mātou i ngā angitu e tūhonohono ai ngā tāngata ki te whenua.
Ko te Māia
Mā te puna mātauranga whānui me ngā wheako e māia ai e mātau ai hoki ā mātou mahi katoa.
How we work
We are a collaborative organisation that approaches each project with open minds and a determination to exceed expectations.
We are inspired by the success of our clients and seek to establish relationships that extend beyond the scope of individual projects.
Te Āhua o ngā Mahi
Whakakikī ngā aukaha
Ko te mahitahi te tūāpapa o tēnei rōpū e noho hinengaro tūwhera ki ia tahi kaupapa, me te kaha hoki kia eke panuku ngā mahi atu i ngā kawatau.
Ka whakaawetia mātou e te angitū o te kiritaki. Nā konā ko te nako ia kia tatau pounamu te hono pakihi e tautoro atu ai ki anamata, ki tua i ngā kaupapa motuhake.