Unlocking a connected campus
From Hillcrest Road, the entrance to The Pā is marked by a carved waharoa and grassed ātea, providing gathering space for ceremonial events and pōwhiri welcomes onto the campus. Established native trees surrounding the site have been retained and complemented by additional native plantings including rongoā (healing) species, adding to the campus’ diverse landscape.
The interior spaces of The Pā are designed for versatilty and adaptability, accommodating functions such as graduations, cultural performances, conferences, hui and events. The project also includes restoration the original building on campus, the A‑Block. A decision was made to reuse the 1960s concrete structure, restoring the early architectural heritage of the University. A‑Block is now the new home to Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao — Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies and overlooks the student hub and performance stage.
As well as responding to a unique cultural and academic brief, The Pā project unlocks the concept of a ‘Connected Campus’ established during the creation of a Strategic Masterplan by Jasmax in 2016. This masterplan identified the need for a weather-protected and universally accessible link between The Pā and the surrounding academic heart of the campus located either side of Hillcrest Road, and the lakeside social amenities located several levels below. This has been realised through the addition to The Pā project of a new lift and covered walkway which accesses and protects the entry levels of a number of academic buildings located en route. A generous landscaped stair also provides an improved route between upper and lower campuses.