Tauranga Community Stadium
A versatile stadium and long-term asset proposed for Tauranga

A drawcard venue designed to meet the needs of the community, hosting events and activity year-round
Situated in the Tauranga Domain, and within walking distance of the civic precinct, the proposed Tauranga Community Stadium is designed to generate a sense of pride, belonging and unity for the people of Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty region. The multi-functional, year-round venue would be able to accommodate a wide range of sporting, cultural, community and commercial events, with the aim of bringing long-term and far-reaching social and economic benefits.
Tauranga City Council’s aspiration is that the stadium may become a sought-out destination that is loved for its vibrant atmosphere, community flavour and spectator experience. The stadium would also become a key part of delivering a sustainable future for Tauranga, with tangible and affordable sustainability targets aligning with the council’s long term strategic objectives.
Located on the Te Papa headland, formerly the setting of a strategically situated Otamataha Pa, the north-facing amphitheatre design similarly offers views toward Mauao / Mount Maunganui and the surrounding harbour. The plan for the site creates a distinct arrival point from Cameron Road, set within the park-like landscape and offering a warm welcome to the community.
Included within the city’s long-term masterplan, the stadium delivery would be phased over time, initially expanding the existing grandstand to a spectator capacity of 4,000−5,000, overlooking a new field of play and events arena. When completed, the stadium will provide a maximum capacity of 12,000 alongside a range of versatile community spaces, multi-sports amenities, food and beverage outlets, exhibition and function areas.
Tauranga City Council and the design team worked alongside Otamataha Trust, representing Ngāti Tapu and Ngai Tamarawaho, to understand mātauranga (Māori knowledge) relating to the site’s long history of occupation by mana whenua, including Otamataha Pa and Tauranga and Wharepai Domains. This inter-generational knowledge has informed the concepts, spatial planning, arrangement of key spaces and the future stadium’s orientation toward Mauao.
One of the key objectives is to ensure that this proposed community development will open its doors to deliver an inviting and welcoming destination for all. The successful design collaboration between Jasmax and Populous will create something very special for the people of Tauranga