Components of innovative learning
To understand community aspirations, the design team also worked closely with Park Estate School, which eventually moved into the new Mangapikopiko School, hosting staff, akonga (students) and interested locals within the Jasmax studio. Welcoming whānau into the educational experience, connection to the natural world, opportunities for sport and outdoor learning and a strong sense of cultural identity were key.
The design supports contemporary pedagogy, housing flexible Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs), able to be modified in the future. The completed stage one programmes include two-storey teaching and learning blocks with generous outdoor covered spaces, a playground, and sports fields. A separate administrative block acts as the front door, including a library, wellness room and staff facilities. Each has a multi-purpose hall. At Ngākōroa school, a maker space and technical learning facility, the Whare Auaha (House of Creating), extends learning experiences. In addition, Jasmax designed a separate two-classroom teaching unit for Parkside Specialist School, which caters for students requiring special assistance in their education, completing the unique combination of learning amenities on the site.