An Accessible City
Creating complete streets in Ōtautahi Christchurch
Tripling cycling, bus and pedestrian movements
An Accessible City provides for flexible and resilient transport options as part of the Christchurch Central Recovery and Blueprint Plans shaping the physical layout and design of Ōtautahi Christchurch following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Large-scale public realm projects such as An Accessible City and A Liveable City were established with the aim of creating a city centre that attracts people to live, work, play, learn, stay, and invest, drawing on extensive feedback from the residents of the city.
As part of City[*]Sense consortium, Jasmax collaborated with AECOM and Aurecon to deliver An Accessible City which provides the necessary public infrastructure to triple cycling, bus and pedestrian movements by 2041. The design adopts a ‘complete streets’ approach, ensuring Christchurch streets would be usable for all ages and abilities and for all movements and activities. A balance of on-street parking as well as wide footpaths, cycling infrastructure, street trees and rain gardens, alongside places to sit and congregate, have since provided a culturally evocative streetscape and vital public transport network for the future.