Jasmax Architecture Scholarship awarded for 2024
Congratulations to Apoua Lilo, who has been named the 2024 recipient of Jasmax and the University of Auckland’s Architecture Scholarship for Māori and Pacific students.
Now in its fifth year, the annual scholarship programme provides students enrolling in the first year of a Bachelor of Architectural Studies at the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau with $5,000 per annum for up to five years.
The scholarship reflects Jasmax’s longstanding commitment to removing financial barriers to accessing tertiary education and increasing the number of Māori and Pacific architectural graduates entering the workforce. Scholarship recipients also benefit from internship, work experience and mentoring opportunities during their studies as well as the support of Waka Māia – Jasmax’s in-house incubation unit which builds the design skills of emerging Māori architects and future leaders.

Apoua says, “This scholarship will alleviate the pressure of balancing work and study, allowing me to concentrate fully on my studies and seek out valuable industry connections and opportunities.” An attraction to the arts led Apoua to pursue a career in architecture, adding, “I want to embed the creative expression and feeling of freedom that I derive from drawing within my architectural practice. I hope to be able to shine a light on Samoan architecture and share with the world that our Polynesian culture is not limited to the Pacific Islands.”
Michael Davis, Associate Professor — Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland, says, “This scholarship is valuable not only from a financial perspective but also for the mentoring and internship opportunities that it provides. Thank you to Jasmax for their on-going and generous support of our Māori and Pacific students.”