Jasmax establishes Project Director role
New delivery strategies are increasingly needed to manage risk and deliver large and complex projects. Jasmax’s new Project Director role provides design management expertise to support our clients achieve streamlined, successful outcomes.
The rate of change across the construction sector in the last five years has been unprecedented. Compliance requirements, procurement pathways, supply chain and construction processes have become more varied and specialised, elevating project risk. Jasmax recognises that new delivery strategies and high collaboration standards are needed to deliver consistently successful outcomes for our clients.
In recognition of this increasing complexity and to co-ordinate the design process more effectively, Jasmax has established a new Project Director role, which recognises senior staff who have a proven reputation in the successful delivery of large, complex projects. These experts understand first-hand how to maximise performance of the wider design consultant team and are best placed to provide premium design management services.
Jasmax’s extensive knowledge and understanding of design and construction provides Project Directors with a unique ability to anticipate the critical risks that can impact programmes and budgets and to unite the wider project team around finding effective solutions to key challenges.
Design management services counter key challenges resulting from a rise in the prevalence of sophisticated building and infrastructure systems; exponential change in regulatory compliance standards; and the need for real-time co-ordination through the increasing use of digital design platforms.
Design management wraps in responsibility for detailed programming, identifying scope gaps and overlaps in consultant services and coordinating and managing the performance of the wider design consultant team. It may also extend to the selection and engagement of a full suite consultant team, offering greatly reduced risk and time commitments for client teams.
Like the conductor of an orchestra, a great design manager understands all disciplines needed to deliver projects and is able to ensure the entire team maintains a synchronised pace throughout each phase. Jasmax’s Project Directors provide experienced insight and the vital soft skills required to bring people together to solve complex problems constructively and are laser-focused on keeping projects on track and on budget.

The New Zealand Pavilion at Expo 2020 is a prime example of the benefits of design management, with the complex design delivered during a global pandemic and constructed in a vast desert on the outskirts of Dubai. Jasmax led the global multi-disciplinary design team for the pavilion and visitor experience, with a team of engineering consultants, visitor experience designers and specialist suppliers based across five different countries and time zones. Jasmax provided vital design management services to lead this global team and offered an integrated architecture, interior, landscape, and brand design service to ensure the design of all aspects of the visitor experience was cohesive. Read more about the project and creative collaboration here.